University of Pécs, Hungary
In "hypethermia", the procedure of raising the temperature of a part, or the whole body, up to 42 degrees C to kill cancer cells for a defined period of time is applied alone or as an adjunctive with various established cancer treatment modalities such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, "hyperthermia" is not generally accepted as conventional therapy due to the complications of deep heating and lack of focusing of the heat effect only for malignant tissues. The idea of oncothermia solves the selective deep action on malignant tissue on nearly cellular level. Oncothermia is highly improved, safe and effective "hyperthermia" in clinical cancer therapy supported by in vivo, in vitro, and human research as shown in this article. Advantage of oncothermia: while the classical insufficiently, focused "hyperthermia" has to heat up in case of the multiple lesions overlapping all the volume, which contains both normal tissues and malignant tissues; while oncothermia automatically focuses on the malignant tissues in its multiple places, without treating the healthy tissue in between. The modulated radiofrequency current (RF) flows through the malignancies only. The radiofrequency modulated current with 13,56 MHz (fractal modulated) between 2 electrodes automatically focuses through malignant tissues with lower impedance and will flow mainly in the extracellular electrolyte because the normal cells are electronically isolated by their membrane by more than one-million V/m electrical field strength. Oncothermia today has the ability to be a candidate to a widely accepted modality of the standard cancer treatment.
Hegyi Gabriella is Medical Doctor, with specialization of internal medicine, working medicine and rehabilitation, she completed his Ph.D. in medical Sciences at the University of St. Stephan, Budapest, Hungary . She went on to establish and lead the efforts of Yamamoto rehabilitation Institute in Budapest in 1989 where eastern and western medicine joints. She is the member of advisory board of health Ministry since 1997, organizes the TCM, neuraltherapy and Cam courses at University for medical doctors since 1986. For the past 16 years, he has been the President of Hungarian Biophysical Association, President of Hungarian Medical Acupuncture Association, researcher of CAMbrella, the Paneuropean CAM Project, researcher of NATO CAM Project, establish person of TCM Confucius Institute of Pecs University in 2015. She is the author on more than 250 papers, more books. She has been an Editorial Board Member of 6 professional medical journals in last years.
Osaka University, Japan
It has been thought that destroying the virus that continues to grow inside the cell will reduce the severity of the infected patient and cure it. In Israel, a developed country for vaccination, it has been reported that taking the anti-inflammatory drug Aspirin may reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. In addition, Remdesivir, which shows antiviral activity, has also been reported to be effective against the new coronavirus infection. On the other hand, it was reported that Ivermectin, which is used to treat diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, reduces not only the therapeutic effect of the new corona infection but also the infectivity of corona. In Japan, it has been known among medical personnel that Remdesivir, and Ivermectin are effective for severely ill patients with corona infection.
Small molecules of Aspirin and Remdesivir are incorporated into bronchial epithelial cells. On the other hand, hydroxyl radicals are by-produced in the cell due to mitochondrial metabolism. Aspirin and Remdesivir interact with hydroxyl radicals to activate the hydrogen abstraction reactivity of hydroxyl radicals. As a result, we propose an "intracellular immune system" that destroys the lipid bilayer membrane of the virus that has invaded the cell.
On the other hand, the infectious disease preventive effect of Ivermectin, which has a large molecular size, is verified by the "extracellular immune mechanism". That is, the giant molecule ivermectin blocks the invasion into the cell membrane by enlarging the virus by associating with the surface bilayer membrane of the virus by van der Waals force. As a result, the virus is excreted outside the body, and infection by the virus is stopped. We verify and foresee that ivermectin has extracellular immunity.
Regarding the mechanism of action of vaccines to prevent infectious diseases, if any, it may be the extracellular immune mechanism. Vaccine phytotoxicity is spreading among ethical doctors in Japan through various media outlets.
Since the speaker will have a 35-minute lecture time, he will introduce the excellent infectious disease preventive effect of Hanasanagin extracted from the mushroom (Isaria japonica), i.e. a component of Cordyceps sinensis from silk moth.
Shozo Yanagida (Emeritus Professor of Osaka University) is a pioneer of molecular-structured solar cells, and now stay at the forefront with regards to quantum chemsigtry molecular modeling of van der Waals force-alighned molecular aggregates. Three years ago, he founded “M3 Laboratory Inc.” in Osaka Universit, ISIR. “M3” stands density-functional theory based mlecular modeling of mitochondria. With regard to theoretical verifiction of bio-activity of mitochondria, he presented a plenary lecture at at the 3rd Global Webinar on Traditional and Alternative Medicine held during July 16-18, 2021. The title of the presenation was “Mitochondria-active cells and immune systems”.
Bio Quantum Academy, Canada
Obesity is not a disease; it is a manifestation of an internal chaos and disharmony or disease. Weight gain is not the matter of excess food intake, it is the matter of the chronic cellular starvation or cellular deficiency, chronic cellular intoxication and inadequate energy flow throughout the body. In order to have a healthy and balanced body weight, you must remove the underlying causes of internal chaos and disharmony. In the modern societies, many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, auto immune disease, cancer and many more are associated with obesity. None of these conditions is a disease but all are the manifestations or symptoms of one internal chaos is called a disease. Why does the body create excess weight? Why some people do not win the weight loss battle no matter how hard they try? Because the extra weight is created by the body’s intelligence to save the deficient body from the further break down and early death. The wisdom of human body knows how to keep the body survived at any cost at all times. So, no matter how much you try, you lose the battle of losing the excess weight because you fight with your mother nature, and the mother nature always wins. The human body is endowed with a natural ability to fix and heal itself. Your body is a house of biochemistry and energy. It needs to be full of nutrients, it needs to be detoxified, and it needs to be energetically balanced for its optimal biological functioning. When you provide the body with what it essentially needs, it will heal itself with no effort. When the body gets a message of cellular hunger caused by deficiency and toxicity, the intelligence of the body detects the problem within, and it creates certain symptoms. Symptoms are your defense mechanism and are your survival. When the cells are deficient, cellular starvation creates the symptoms of hunger, higher appetite and cravings that forces the body to eat more in order to survive.
What should you do to help your body to sustain a healthy weight?
Parvin Zarrin is a world- known Integrative Practitioner specializing in Homeopathic Medicine. She received a Doctorate of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine, Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine & Sciences, Certificates of Achievement in Homeopathy from Germany, a degree in Nutritional Sciences, obtained several certificates in Homo-toxicology Medicine. She is awarded an order of Excellence in her homeopathic research for her PhD in Canada. She is an educator at Bio Quantum Academy, an International lecturer and the author of Quantum Anti-Aging book. She is the founder of Integrative Medicine & Nutrition, and the director of Bio Quantum Academy in Canada. She has been practicing Homeopathic Medicine (Homo-toxicology-a branch of homeopathic medicine) for over 20 years with a great success. She has successfully treated hundreds of people with serious chronic illnesses around the world.
Ayllusuyu, United States
Throughout the world, there are many sacred places. Many have been standing, as they were built, for centuries. Why do we go to these sacred sites? What relevance do they have in today’s world? How is it that they are still standing?
When the ancient people built these places, they followed the energetic lines, known as ley lines or segays, in the energetic grid of Pachamama, Mother Earth. They were guided by Sacred Ones of Light as to where and how these sites were to be built.
So why do people continue to go to these sacred places now in the present? The original intent of these sacred sites had many purposes. Healing, cleansing the land, fertility were only some of that intent. The main reason was to give thanks to The Sacred Light for all they were given and that they were permitted to be in service to The Sacred Light. Knowing that The Sacred Light is known by infinite names by many traditions throughout the world, the rituals and ceremonies were specific to each tradition. That is as true today as it was in ancient times.
When a person is at a sacred place, whether or not that person is conscious of it, Spirit Within, the force that gives life to the physical body, is awakened. If a person is already awake and actively working or walking in a Path of Light, then he/she can realize more of the accumulated knowledge of Spirit Within consciously.
When more of the Spirit Ancestral knowledge becomes consciously realized, much of what a person has always felt but not known is brought to an active state that can actively be used to help people and lands.
An example of this is a person is drawn to a certain culture or tradition can be traced to spirit ancestral knowledge. The person may not understand why yet intuitively feels a drawing or even a longing to that. This has nothing to do with the person’s present-day family lineage. By going to a sacred place, that intuitive feeling becomes conscious thought. A person can take that now-mindful knowing further through past life work.
Doña Fran Wolf (Russo) is a shaman working in the tradition of the Peruvian shamans and other ancient traditions. When she was a child, Fran was introduced to the world of intuition by her first teacher, her grandmother. With her grandmother’s guidance, Fran began to consciously recall knowledge from many past lives. As Fran continued on, by the age of ten, she was working in astrology and giving readings. She realized that she “saw” and “knew” things that others did not. Later on, Fran then worked with North American as well as South American elders. Fran travels extensively in Peru, working with both the shamans of the Andean mountains and of the Amazon. There she has learned the ancient ways of the Q’ero elders, the direct descendants of the ancient Incans. Working in the ancient traditions for many years, Fran helps others to energetically release and transform self into the strength of true self, spinning joy into life. Through television, radio, workshops, groups, individual healing and guidance sessions, and journeys to Peru since 1993, Doña Fran brings the ancient teachings of Peru. Doña Fran’s organization, Ayllusuyu,, serves the greater good through sacred ceremony and gatherings as well as workshops and talks based on those teachings. Doña Fran is the author of Through The Eyes of Jaguar: One Woman’s Journey.
Institute of Psychosynthesis, Poland
Despite the complex nature of the Universe and physical reality, which have been described by science over the past many decades, we, as humans, need a simplified, yet comprehensive, picture of human functioning. The currently preferred picture of the world, broken down to the smallest elements, does not quite correspond to what we experience in the emotional and psychospiritual spheres and how these elements are perceived in health and in sickness.
The search for internal power to achieve well-being and an understanding of the autoregulatory mechanisms of the body as well as the sources of health and disease are tasks for modern medicine, which should relate to all the functions of the individual human body, and not just a disease entity or physicality.
Ewa Danuta Bialek Ph.D As an immunologist (doctoral dissertation, 1980), and a specialist in clinical diagnostics, she became a long-time researcher at the Academy of Medicine and Postgraduate Medical School in Warsaw, Poland (1969-1992). She completed postgraduate studies in psychology (Summit University, USA 1995) and a number of courses in Psychosynthesis and many more. For years, she looked for solution for her health problems caused by traumatic childhood experiences (her father was a political prisoner in Poland under communist regime). Many years later they created the symptoms of diseases caused by stress. Contact with psychosynthesis almost 25 years ago enabled her to reach the grounds of her health problems, to decode them and to start recovery. The outcome of this deep inner work was creation of many programs of disease prevention - "health education" and "self-education" - so that there is no need of therapy. Another effect is her exceptional creativity, which led her to write 52 books and over 100 articles. In 1997 she founded Association “Education for the Future” and in 2004 – the Institute of Psychosynthesis in Warsaw, Poland. Bialek is passionate about well-being education, creating systemic solutions for as well raising children, health education as well-being in many aspects of adult life. She described its practical execution, such as running of her original programs, highly rated by students, as individuals which she consulted, both in her manuals and books.
Naturopathic Physician & Clinical Aromatherapy Specialist – Holos Academy
Essential oils are a fundamental part of the natural elements of medicinal herbs and have been an important part of the survival and evolution of our world.
Mankind has learned how to use these “gifts” of Nature and this tradition goes way back in time: chance and observation were the first leads that guided the human use of essential oils. The Wisdom of medicine men, ancient traditions, first registered uses coming from the ancient glory of different cultures. It was Clearly evident at that time that essential oils were “essential” for physical ailments, to relieve – what we today call emotional stress, for the cure of our body.
But our evolution brought out a scientific necessity of understanding how these remedies worked in our body, mind and spirit. Wisdom was not anymore sufficient to justify reasoned use of essential oils. Therefore, we began to “research” evermore to complete our knowledge and thanks to the desire of understanding today we are beginning to comprehend that the ancient Wisdom leads the path to the Science and enforces the Clarity of “why” and “how” the precious remedies sustain our “Health” by relieving the “Dis-Ease”
Let’s take a “walk” on the path that starts from “Wisdom, evolves through Science and leads to Clarity” – discovering the various “realms” of the complementary therapy of essential oils.
Dr. Steve John Chiola, Born and raised in the United States, after studying Medicine at the University of Genoa, specialized, graduated from Medicine & Health Sciences Founder, Educational Director and Professor of Holos Academy – Educational & Training Center (Switzerland) and President of the Swiss Clinical Aromatherapy Association (Switzerland) Consultant in Clinical Aromatherapy and Emotional Aromatheraoy for the Geriatric Center of the Luganese Hospital of Moncucco - Dr. Pio Eugenio Fontana and Geriatric Center at Felix Platter Hospital - Prof. Reto Kressig I worked as an assistant at Peking University during his specialization in Traditional Chinese Medicine and as an Associate Professor at the University of Siena where he taught Medical Informatics, Naturopathic Phlebolymhlogy and Vodder Technique.
Lina’s Holistic Coaching, United Kingdom
Relaxation and mindfulness are very important in holistic coaching and therefore we will look into relaxation and more particularly Meditation as a relaxation technique and its benefits for individuals and businesses.
When we relax, the flow of blood increases around our body giving us more energy. It helps us to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids positive thinking, concentration, memory and decision making. Relaxation slows our heart rate, reduces our blood pressure and relieves tension.
Mindfulness Meditation as relaxation technique - Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
You will see some statistics, testimonials and examples of currently regularly meditating clients and their reviews and benefits received from this practice.
My name is Lina Kochanske. I am a qualified Holistic Wellness Coach and a certified Meditation Practitioner based in London, UK Holistic Health and Wellness Coach certified from Holistic Coach Academy and Mediation Practitioner/Teacher certification from The Priority Academy. I work with senior level professionals by offering individual as well as group coaching. I bring revolutionised wellness ideas into the life of individuals and businesses. At the moment I am teaching meditation UK based charity 'Age UK Kensington and Chelsea' and attending my holistic wellness clients. I have 5 years extensive Mindfulness Meditation, Buddhist meditation, Breathing Exercise, Light Meditation and Energy healing practice experience.
Medical Veritas International, Inc, United States
COVID-19’s emergence and remedial response involving “novel” vaccinations that operate bioelectrically pursuant to the spike-protein (S-protein) and “hydrogel” coating attachment mechanism involving ACE-2 receptor site polarity, and subsequent mRNA infusion and altered genetic expression, are controversial subjects addressed in this keynote. Substantial scientific evidence reveals advancements in vaccinology incorporating nano-bioelectronic “hydrogel” devices facilitating said attachment and subsequent transmission of this advanced neuroscience technology developed largely at MIT and Harvard under military and commercial contracts. According to government officials, expert academicians, and intelligence community agents engaging this field, the bioelectronics of these vaccine advancements follows years of research and developments in nano-bioelectronics and neuroscience suitable for applications in brain-Cloud interactions, ‘transhumanism,’ data-mining, drug-delivery, and ‘frequency therapeutics,’ impacting the natural ambient energy in the human body, and theoretically consumers’ health, safety, ‘spirituality,’ and ‘consciousness.’ Accordingly, this keynote considers such advancing science, COVID vaccination adverse reactions reported in the VAERS data bank in the United States; reflecting on injection mandates opposed by religious, philosophical, and conscientious objectors.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon), DMM (hon), received his doctorate in dental medicine from Tufts University; his training in periodontology and oral surgery at the University of Rochester; his master’s degree in public health from Harvard University, and subsequently earned multiple awards as an author, filmmaker, energy medicine pioneer, and nutraceutical entrepreneur. His first of three bestsellers is a landmark medical text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intention?, credited by CDC and WHO officials as most influential in examining vaccination risks opposed by public health and anti-vaccination activists worldwide.
Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist Canada
One of the greatest gifts that I know of in treatment, is to help a client heal from an addiction by changing the way they think, believe, feel and act. I know that Traditional Chinese Medicine has the capacity to do this because I have seen how it has helped the thousands of people I have had the honor of treating at in-patient centers, as well as the fact that this is exactly what it has done for me personally.
Over these last 27 years in sobriety and TCM, I have simplified what I’ve learned into Three Principles of Addiction Treatment. These Three Principles make up, what I feel, are the basic areas of what must be addressed for an addiction to be treated comprehensively. They are:
Principle 1: Addiction affects the whole person: mental, spiritual, emotional and physical
Principle 2: Addiction is a cycle.
Principle 3: Addiction impacts every close relationship in an addict’s life.
These Three Principles can be used diagnostically, as well as to form treatment strategies. For our purposes in this conference, we will examine how they follow the philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine to offer specific methods for our clients to cultivate their own wisdom and clarity in the healing of their addictions.
Randal Lyons has helped himself, and thousands of others achieve sobriety using TCM for the past 27 years. A graduate of Emperor’s College of TOM, he’s consulted for dozens of world-class addiction treatment facilities and is the author of Opening the Eyes of the Heart. Currently, his focus is Alchemist Recovery ( an online program that creates collaboration among TCM practitioners, mental health professionals and businesses in need of support for those struggling with addiction. He resides in the cool, green climate on Vancouver Island, Canada.
AstroPlus.NZ, New Zealand
Medical Astrology is an integrated science which will identify your body constitution, metabolism & any ailments relating to psychological, spiritual, emotional & mental disharmony. If these symptoms are left untreated, they will contribute to dis-ease or dysfunction in the body.
In this current climate of continuing chaos especially around health and traditional medical systems, more people are choosing to become informative and proactive with their own health. The family physician is no longer seen as a guru and will often be tested by their clients.
You are much more than just the date of your birth that relates to your Sun Sign. Your chart has ten planets and each planet tells a story related to your health. Three examples below;
Ascendant: this is the most critical point on your chart. This is determined by the time you were born. Your ascendant describes your typical characteristics and disposition. It also rules your first house in your chart that defines your physical body and any potential illness relating to it.
Sun: this is represented by your date of birth e.g., 11th November makes you a Scorpio. Your Sun sign determines your physical vitality and health. Also, the Sun reveals how you shine in the world and signifies father and male authority figures in your life.
Moon: this represents your soul health, emotional nature and your bodily fluids. The Moon also signifies your mother or mother figure in your life.
In her presentation, Christina will explore each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and discuss how each sign can promote and maintain their health using holistic recommendations.
Christina Richter is a full-time international consulting astrologer, author, teacher and global speaker. With over 35 years in mainstream medicine, Christina has attained qualifications in Ayurveda, metaphysics, herbalism, stress management, colour therapy and astrology, making her an authority in her field. Specializing in Medical Astrological, she uses this methodology to identify and treat psychological, emotional, medical and spiritual symptoms that progress to disease if left untreated. Christina has written 2 books on holistic health - ‘Learn to Self-heal’ and ‘Your Astrological Health’ - which are available at Amazon. You can read more about Christina and her work at
Bloom Holistic Wellness, United States
One of the biggest public health crises of our time is the lack of mental health care, and unfortunately, this issue is impacting people of all ages, even children and young adults.
In fact, 1 in 5 kids are suffering from some kind of mental health disorder, and half of us will experience a mental illness during our lifetimes. Specifically, 50% of the time, this occurs before the age of 14 years old while 75% of the time this occurs by 24 years old. This statistic is alarming because the age range mentioned typically marks one's transition from childhood to adulthood. As if that’s not bad enough, these kids are suffering alone because of a lack of information.
Just as physical fitness helps our bodies to stay strong, mental fitness helps even more.
Mental health pertains to our emotional, psychological and social well-being, which means it affects how we think, how we feel, and how we act. It also determines how we handle stress, how we relate to others, and the choices we make. However, “good” or “stable” mental health does not always mean that we are in a good mood, nor does it prevent stress from coming our way. With that said, good mental health does help us cope with our emotions so we can continue to engage productively in our everyday lives.
Francisca Ferreira received her certification in Health & Wellness from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (INN) in New York City. She completed a series of courses, focusing on how to coach people through stress management, career decisions, lifestyle changes, sleep issues, eating disorders, holistic healing, and more recently, hormone health. Come June 2021, Francisca will complete her final hormone health class, focusing on improved digestion, increased libido, relief from pms, enhanced focus and clarity, stabilized blood sugar, weight management, infertility and more. Between her holistic upbringing and her own knowledge from INN, Francisca is dedicated to motivating and inspiring them to take better care of themselves, physically, mentally, and emotionally. As the Founder of Bloom Holistic Wellness Coach, she does not diagnose, nor does she treat. Francisca simply provides a safe space for people to explore the different ways they can improve all aspects of their health.
Supra Health Solutions LLP, Pune, India
Human body is the final manifest form of Energy and Vibrations. In Vedic philosophy, great details are given about the percolation of Energy, the balance maintained in Nature between all the manifestations.
The MIND is one of the most powerful “transformers” and is vitally participative in the conversion of vibrations which trigger THOUGHTS, which in turn, as has been proved by Science, become the foundation of our HEALTH, WISDOM and the way we lead our lives.
Science is very materialistic; Wisdom comes with clarity in thoughts, which is far beyond the limitations of Science.
“Healing”, essentially the effort to bring BALANCE in our lives, and this will only have a lasting impact when science arises from clear Wisdom of Nature. This is a message from “Rig Ved”, the first Veda from Indian Scriptures.
Sujata Vaidya (BSc, MBA- Pune University); completed PhD Zorastrian College, Mumbai Open International University; Sri Lanka in 2000 when all allied studies were catogarised under CAM. Her work with ‘Science behind Traditional systems’ peaked with Ayurvedic systems; Mind- Body Healthcare which she practices and teaches. She completed Registred Clinial Trials using Ayurvedic formulations (FDA, branded Suved and Reimmugen) for lifestyle diseases, atherosclerosis and on COVID-19 patients. Numerous papers have been published to highlight these achievements. She is member of Universal Brotherhood missions (Turkey); Director at Supra Health Solutions LLP and Mentor at Institute of Integrative Healthcare
Chairperson of the South African Naturopathic Association, South Africa
ALL DISEASE AND DYSFUNCTION STARTS IN THE GUT - While this statement might seem simple, the dynamic between gastrointestinal dysfunction and chronic disease is anything but simple; it is multifaceted and complex.
Research strongly suggests that when the normal balance and integrity of the GI tract is compromised, it can result in systemic complaints, even in the absence of overt GI symptoms.
Naturopathic medicine understands that the whole body is connected! Combining ancient wisdom with true science has led to variations of Naturopathic approaches and its core principles.
Integrative and Functional medicine have blossomed from several ancient natural medicine approaches. This has enhanced and broadened the scope of prevention and management of many health concerns, disorders and diseases – in particular those of the GIT – as the often root cause of many health issues.
Dr Pelteret discusses basic GIT anatomy, physiology, neurology, as well as clinical testing, assessments and diagnostics. Delving into some often-forgotten elements of the alimentary canal and their influence on systemic health issues, Dr Pelteret will give input into some select natural medicine treatment options, with an emphasis always on a personalised naturopathic and functional medicine approach.
Dr. Adele Pelteret is a Naturopath registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa with the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa. She completed a graduate diploma in Clinical Nutrition, as well as additional certificate training in Functional Medicine. She worked as a Nutritional Therapist and Functional Medicine Lifestyle Consultant in Cape Town for over 15 years. She then went back to university to complete a double BSc degree at the School of Natural Medicine at UWC in South Africa. She completed both of her degree’s Summa cum laude and qualified as a Naturopath in 2015. Dr Adele has completed several additional certifications, training and seminars, including: , Hulda Clark protocols, Nutrigenomic, Addiction support, Palliative care, Botanical Medicine and Functional Medicine. She is also a qualified teacher, COBOL programmer and IT trainer. Dr Pelteret works in private practice and is the current Chairperson for the SA Naturopathy Association (SANA). She sits on the Anti-Microbial Resistance Committee for the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) and is an active allied member of the South African Society of Integrative Medicine SASIM).
Director General, Lotus Holistic Health Planning & Consultancy Institute, UAE
In spite of recent developments in antibiotics and synthetic drugs, a vast majority of people depend on traditional medicines for their primary health care needs, and it can safely be presumed that a major part of traditional therapy involves the use of plant extracts or their active principles. In recent years, with the ever-growing commercialization of herbal medicines, there has been an instant demand for quality control of the drugs used in this system. The studies on the identity, purity, and quality of the genuine drug will enhance information in checking the adulteration. A set of standards would undoubtedly be a deterrent on substitution and adulteration and aid for 'Drug law Enforcement.
This study examines the medicinal plants' standardization process starting from its cultivation, morpho-anatomical, pharmacognostic, physicochemical and analytical protocols, foreign organic matter, pesticide residue, radioactive and microbial contamination, and chemical assays. Fingerprinting of the successive extractives using IR, UV, TLC & HPLC techniques, phytochemical screening, quantitative analysis of inorganic constituents, etc.
A standardized outline is formulated starting from the medicinal plants' birth to dispensing it to the patients either in crude form or as finished herbal products.
Professor Dr. Mohammad Kamil, M.Sc.; M.Phil.; Ph.D.; D.Sc.; Chartered Chemist,U.K. and Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (London), worked as In-charge DSRU, Ministry of Health India, Professor at Hamdard University, India, Head TCAM Research ZCHRTM, DOH –Abu Dhabi (1996-2020), presently working as Director General, Lotus Holistic Healthcare Institute Abu Dhabi, UAE. Produced 7 Ph. Ds and 14 M. Phil students. More than 435 papers and abstracts in reputed journals and international conferences are at his credit, Associated with publication of many books; author of many book and several chapters in different books. Recipient of Young Scientist’s award-India; Common Wealth Award-London; Convention Award of Chemical Society-India; Academic Exchange Fellowship from Common Wealth Universities, London, U.K.; Global award in Unani Medicine, India; recipient of various other prestigious honors & awards e.g. recently First Sheikh Zayed International Award on Herbal Medicine Research (2020).
Palliative care physician, Rajiv Gandhi cancer hospital, New Delhi, India
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the popular name for health care practices that traditionally have not been part of conventional medicine. In many cases, as evidence of efficacy and safety grows, these therapies are being combined with conventional medicine.
Integrative medicine can help people with cancer, persistent pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and many other conditions better manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life by reducing fatigue, pain and anxiety. Examples of common practices include:
Dietary supplements
Massage therapy
Music therapy
Mini Mehta, BHMS (Bachelors of homoeopathic medicine and surgery) India, PG (HOM) London, UK. She currently works as a palliative care physician in the cancer care in a cancer hospital. She is also a faculty in The London College of Homoeopathy, UK. She is a homoeopathic doctor practicing from last 12 years in new delhi india. She is a passionate physician who has a very keen sense of analyzing patients health as a whole (physical, mental and spiritual). With her dedication and preservance she has successfully treated many patients for their chronic complaints and allergies with homoeopathy. Her well tailored individualized treatment helps patient to heal as per the law of nature. She has been sharing her work on national and international platforms in the field of homoeopathy.
Director, Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Fellow, Fielding Graduate University
In the contemporary, Euro-centric scientific medical model host functional resiliency and relevance of homeostatic capacity is an afterthought. In the ancient, shamanic Asian medical model, host functional resiliency and the relevance of homeostatic capacity – referenced as balance – was and is primary. In the traditional Asian models even therapeutics for disease states include host implemented practices.
In the Euro-centric model, even now, average clinicians adhere to standards of practice that almost completely neglect the most recent scientific findings on the effects of simple, accessible personal health cultivation methods that have to cost – are free!
The easiest methods for enhancing sleep are free – through breath practice. The easiest methods for enhancing hydration – free. Easiest methods for stress mastery – free. The cost is not in money. Even shifting from junk food to healthy food has a minimal additional cost per day. The ACTUAL COST is not in MONEY – rather it is in refining and even transforming mind-set and belief.
The most profound medicine is produced within the human system – for free.
Dr Jahnke, with a 35 year history of clinical Chinese Medicine and numerous published research articles, will reflect on the things that all citizens can modify for little cost using the model of Chinese Yang Sheng – Nourishing Life. This model is still in place from prehistoric shamanic and tribal medical and philosophical origins that were in developed before writing emerged. This same model is the framework for wellness, health promotion, disease prevention and self-care in the contemporary health maximization field.
Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and was the Chief of staff at the Health Action Integrative Medicine Clinic, in Santa Barbara California, from 1982 to 2012. He is currently the director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC), a research and training institute that has trained 2000 teachers and practice leaders and contributed to research in numerous respected medical journals. With 10 research trips to China’s universities, hospitals, temples and sacred mountain sites, he has distilled the essence of Qi cultivation in his widely revered books The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi.
BuShen Healing and Life Arts, United States
RTW is a mind-body practice that combines three paradigms for self-healing in synchrony.
Why together
Qigong and Zen speak to character refinement but give few practical actionable steps to make that happen. Recovery programs talk about enhancing spiritual awareness but offer few concrete directives. Both have something in common: They are powerful forms of Internal Alchemy that have been independently successful and respected world-wide.
Scientific Paradigm as Catalyst
Who Is It For?
For people in Recovery, RTW helps to mitigate the chronic anxiety that has always plagued them. For those who do not classify themselves as addicted, it brings a level of self-observation and healing engendered in a process that has been called one of the most important social phenomena of the twentieth century.
Why Now?
Daniel Weicher is a writer, businessman, Qigong teacher, lecturer and poet. In Recovery for over 20 years he is the developer of Recovering The Way. Dan has certification from The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, Is a student of Oriental Medicine and has presented at institutions for over a decade on Qigong and Recovery principles applied simultaneously. Dan works with Michelle Davidson, MPS, L. Ac. at Bushen Healing and Life Arts in Bedford Hills NY where he practices Qi Healing. RTW evolved out of Dan’s experiences in Recovery and TCM. He is president of sustainably minded Brooklyn Flexible Packaging LLC
IOU foundation & IOC Daoland University for Chinese Medicine systems, the Netherlands
The pace of current TCM development is mostly set by East Asian Governmental Organisations and other standardisation programs. There is an integration underway to place TCM as massage, acupuncture and herbal medicine as a subservient addition to biomedicine. Although that is not nescessarily bad, it does cause a great loss in healthcare solutions that are specificly part of past East Asian Medicine history, and a modern take on self-reliance as essential for cost effectivity. At the proposal of my Mentor at IOU foundation, I have set out with the help of people from a variety of cultures to outline the need and format of a naturopath healthcare system, which I called Daoland, representing the inner ecosystem as a country following CM metaphors. The core of this Daoland idea was suggested to me by an Australian aborigine and a Mexican Otomi, both involved in culturalisation, ritualisation and healing in search for recognition of the medicine systems of their culture. Based on my own expert knowledge and skills in Chinese medicine and Wudang Daoist medicine and taiji gongfu I developed over ten year time a map of health requirements and how Chinese medicine and sports can contribute to solving health related issues against extremely low costs. Modern developments in Chinese CM were very helpful. In this lecture I show outcomes of effectivity research and how the 20+ parts function in the whole of the program and what they can mean for TCM Naturopath education, other forms of naturopathy and the role of naturopathy in society.
Rene Goris completed his PhD in 2009 at IOU foundation. He studied 18 years in China. He became Daoist monk to do value-meaning studies. Discussed was Zhang Sanfeng’s unified theory of society, medicine and taiji sports, which lead to Daoland Healthcare (2007). He is director/founder of Intercultural Oriental College, has been part of a research group on Acupuncture’s future in Beijing, and teacher at a Chaoyang CM university dept. He has published some articles and is pioneering some works on the integration/differentiation of CM and biomedicine, has a been a lecturer at UNAM of Mexico and EU conferences on CM
American Osteopathic Society of Rheumatic Diseases, United States
By age 60, 65% of men and 80% of women, 56 million in the US alone, experience noticeable hair loss. Conventional wisdom dictates that most hair loss is due to genetics. Nevertheless, as we have seen with so many other accepted scientific myths (does testosterone cause prostate cancer to ring a bell?), what is accepted science many times just is not so. We begin with what is “normal,” the natural lifecycle of a single hair. From there, we extrapolate root causes of the three types of hair loss. 1. Androgenic alopecia, by far the most common, is typically thought of as “male pattern baldness.” 2. Alopecia areata is the loss of hair in discrete circular to oval areas in the scalp. 3. Telogen effluvium patients lose their mane from the metabolic components, thyroid disease, hormonal imbalances, other androgens, infections, immune-compromised hosts, stress, medications, or crash dieting. We review the patterns, including how to recognize them. We then propose treatment solutions for each hair type. We reveal what to do with the 30 % “mixed” types. These are hair loss types that overlap patterns. Lastly, we review diet and lifestyle changes we can enact to improve our chances of regrowing hair.
Dr. William Clearfield, a graduate of LaSalle College and the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines, IA., completed a rotating internship and served as an OB/GYN resident at Metropolitan Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine after completing a Family Practice resident in 1982 at United Health and Hospital Services in Kingston, PA, Dr. Clearfield, since 1982, is a lead figure in family and integrative medicine. With graduate expertise in areas ranging from Cardiac Rehabilitation (the University of Wisconsin/Lacrosse) to Medical Acupuncture (UCLA, 1991), to Age Management and Non-Surgical Aesthetic Medicine (Fellowship trained and Diplomat status from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine,) Dr. C is the leading authority on cutting-edge medicine in Northern Nevada. In 2016, Dr. Clearfield’s raison d’etre turned when, after meeting with several veterans who suffered traumatic head injuries while serving overseas. Their injuries seemed mild to nonexistent at first, but over time, they all deteriorated, suffering from mental and psychiatric illnesses. Research led him to study with and be certified by the Millennium-Warrior Angel Foundation Traumatic Brain Injury Program. Dr. C’s lectures on the fundamentals of hormone replacement, traumatic brain injury, autism, post finasteride syndrome, and peptides have taken him to OMED, the American Osteopathic Association’s Scientific Convention, NOMA, the Nevada Osteopathic Association, the American Osteopathic Society of Rheumatologic Disease, the Age Management Medicine Group, (where he has been honored to be the final speaker of their semiannual conferences for five years in a row!) and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. VYASA University in Bengaluru, India, and the Second and Third Annual Global Webinar on Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Dr. Clearfield is one of three Nevada representatives to the American Osteopathic Association’s House of Delegates and the Executive Director of the American Osteopathic Society of Rheumatic Diseases. On Tuesday evenings, 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific time (USA), he hosts the weekly “Tahoe Tuesday Integrative Medicine Educational Webinar” available at
Chen Style Taijiquan and Qigong Teacher. lic. Acupuncturist, Owner of TCM Praxis, Walenstadt, Switzerland
These sentence can be found in the classical text of the Huang Di Nei Jing Suwen, a classical text of Chinese Medicine. The shen is closely related with the heart. The heart is a special organ and in ancient times were not allowed to be treated directly, so its outer meridian was defined in later times. Instead the Pericardium channel was used, which has nine points that do correspond to the nine palaces of the heart. The emotions do have a special effect on the heart. So this will be the main topic. The Types of emotions can be looked at from different angles. I go into the concept of the five phases and three levels. How does social paradigm influence the emotions? It is well known that flagrants can influence emotions. What essential oils are used within the context of Chinese Medicine.
Thomas Bischof is the owner of TCM Praxis Bischof in Walenstadt/Switzerland. He has completed his studies of Chinese Medicine in 2012 at the Chiway Acadamy Winterthur/Switzerland. In 2000 he startet learning Qigong and different styles of Taijiquan from International well known teachers. In 2008 started to teach this arts and founded Boshen Academy to coach employees how to promote resilience and positive adjustment in the face of adversity. After having studied ancient Texts in the field of Chinese Medicine, he became interested in the complete System of Acupuncture. As Acupuncture in China, became focused on the primary channels about 1000 Years ago, it is not easy to find reliable sources. Studying different Systems from Japan, Korea and France helped to get an idea how it could have worked.
YiTCM, Singapore
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long-standing history for using natural herbs, acupuncture, moxibustion and various natural treatments to treat ailments and health conditions. The use of TCM for fertility treatment, particularly with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and to prevent threatened miscarriage has been on the rise in Asian countries. This talk will include evidences such as recent research findings on the effectiveness and safety of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in particular Chinese herbs and acupuncture on promoting fertility in particular PCOS patients, and the use of Chinese herbs on preventing threatened miscarriage. This talk will help to improve our understanding of TCM and its uses, to help us complement the East meet West treatment approaches when we are treating fertility patients.
Na Yi Ting has completed her masters in Traditional Chinese medicine and double degrees in biomedical science and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine and Nanyang Technological University respectively. She has been working as a Traditional Chinese Medicine physician in Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution since 2016 and led the group of fertility physicians in the institution for clinical practices in fertility area, before co-founding YiTCM Clinic which focuses on coupling western diagnosis with TCM for fertility treatment.
Institute of Auricular and Transcendental Medicine President Emeritus, California State Oriental Medical Association, United States
Acupuncture is the field of medicine within Chinese Medicine that studies and manipulates Qi within the body to assist the body in defending and healing the body/mind/spirit with over 7 thousand years of documented study and use of Qi in healing. Transcendental Acupuncture is a specialization within Chinese Medicine based on Classical Chinese Medicine which uses Acupuncture to reach the deepest levels of consciousness in our bodies, catapult change and induce paradigm shifts in consciousness. Transcendental Acupuncture is based on Classical Chinese Medicine, Huang Di Nei Jing, Eight Extra Meridians, Luo Meridians, Spirit Points, Window of Sky Points, and any points focused on mind/spirit. The shifts produced are deep, long lasting and result in recognizable changes in behavior, cognition, affect, spirit, and physical well-being.
Dr. TruthSayer, DAOM, Dip.OM, LAc, LMFT, has a doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, a Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, three Masters Degrees in Psychology and a Bachelors in Chinese Linguistics. She is President Emeritus of the California State Oriental Medical Association, and a former faculty member of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. She has 20 years of clinical experience and has been the disciple for ten years, of Dr Huang Li Chun,MD(China), LAc., world famous physician, teacher, and WHO recognized top expert in Auricular Medicine. Dr TruthSayer has been a guest presenter at numerous gatherings and conferences in the US and Taiwan, including The World Academy of Auricular Medicine, the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Network of Knowledge online webinar, Global Scientific Guild , 1st International Academic Conference of Acupuncture & TCM of Canada 2021,21st World Congress of Qi Gong/TaiChi/TCM/Natural Medicine. Dr TruthSayer is Founder and Chief Faculty of the Institute of Auricular and Transcendental Medicine.
CannAssist, United States
The basis for health is a strong, united body, uncompromised by insult or injury, multi-dimensionally. This means that the inverse is also true, insults and injuries of the mind, body, heart and soul affect health. In order to combat and reverse/heal/overcome the effects of these traumas, each individual’s story needs to be allowed to unfold. It needs to be witnessed and recognized, called out and addressed. For the mind, this is accessing the memories of hurtful things said, done and understood, as well as outdated or harmful belief systems. This highlights how imperative taking a thorough history is, across each area, and collectively for the person’s family and community/collective culture. Hypnosis and meditation are great tools to be able to access these reference points. For the body, massage and other types of physical therapies and modalities help, as the body keeps a long-standing record of each of its injuries and assesses how to respond physically, down to the molecular level. Lab tests and imaging can lend to discovery of these inner and outer physical phenomena as well as through a skilled therapist/doctor’s hands. Nutrition, hydration and breathing also play a huge part in the body’s ability for stability and wellness, and is supported via nature/natural foods and herbs. Heart references the emotions and connections, as well as moments of feeling disconnected from loved ones, society and the collective world community. These can be witnessed through intimate relationships, whether romantic, platonic and supportive. Shamanic practices bringing people into the quantum space utilizing ceremony and ritual, which also can include meditation practices, flow state, and other altered head spaces- including those induced by plant medicines/psychedelics, kink and emotional freedom techniques are good for diagnosis and treatment. Working with the emotions helps with resolving/rewriting traumas from childhood, those from previous generations brought forth and taught through nature and nurture via the collective generational environment for survival with coping skills and domestic or adult relationships. And finally, information obtained, witnessed or presented via the soul is a deeper connection through the deeper aspect of one’s individuality, sovereignty, life purpose, goals etc. These are more accessible through deeper transformational work, dreamwork and others.
As each of these variables affect the necessary path for each person’s journey to health individually, therapy plans need to be uniquely designed to each individual. Not everyone has experienced the same types of trauma leading to their physical consequences of acute or chronic conditions of non-health, even though the symptoms different people experience may be the same. Inasmuch, addressing all four of these aspects of being human need to be addressed, as the originating traumas are the root cause initiating the alteration of their original health. Addressing symptoms via a generic treatment plan that misses the root cause won’t be able to accurately and specifically address these concerns and won’t lead to healing of that initial injury. Non-individualized therapies can generically address healing, but like with homeopathy, precision leads to profound results.
Dr Francois is a naturopathic medical doctor, integrating mind-body-heart and soul, utilizing nature, plant medicines and sacred sexuality to assist her clients in becoming more present. By releasing wounding and childhood traumas her clients are able to return to their empowered conscious selves relating authentically in the now. Dr Francois hosts the podcast Naturopathic Life and Living, and can be found on Clubhouse in psychedelic plant medicine calls and in her club, “Sacred Living”. She is an expert in many healing modalities, including but not limited to the field of cannabis, psychedelics, bodywork, nutrition, therapeutic kink and sexuality, while also contributing as an author for Sexual Health Magazine.
Bionic Air Pty Ltd & Plasma Medicine Pty Ltd Gold Coast, Queensland Australia
Cold air plasma is an emerging field of medicine. Pulsed electromagnetic fields of reactive, nonreactive and neutral air ion species are created for biological benefits. We present a cold air plasma medical device designed for consumer use which ensures the air species carry a negative and/or neutral charge only. They are emitted into the respiratory system and skin using variable doses and controlled frequencies in a range of up to two metres, for selective and systemic benefits across all systems of the human body. <br>
Reacting with the respiratory system, crossing the blood brain barrier to stabilise hormones whilst enhancing immune responses through phagocytes and ameliorating the REDOX biology of the body and neurohormonal disturbances in a naturally selective manner, whilst working as a systematic adaptogen for the entire human body systems. The unique air species are both ingestible and transdermal. This presentation will focus on the science and application from in-human results of this unique technology, made in Australia from 1967 and used without any side effects or adverse events in over 1 Million patients. Medically registered for the treatment and prevention of virus, bacteria and other pathogens plus many conditions of the upper respiratory system, with a bonus of air and surface treatment, reduce symptoms of colds and flu, allergies, hormonal imbalances, SAD (depression), chronic fatigue, improved sleep, assist pharmaceutical and vitamin absorption plus more. 97% of their patients report, “we just don’t get colds and flu anymore.”
Originally invented by Mr Joshua Shaw (1938-2019) and improved by his protégé Debbie Black. Debbie is an Independent scientist studying 39 multidisciplinary scientific and medical fields related to this technology over the past ten years. She is recognized as the world’s leading expert in nonequilibrium corona cold air plasma medicine for consumer use, and holds the recent patent for the worlds’ only ‘selective systemic adaptogen’ to benefit humanity. She gave up her 30 year career as an international chief executive spanning 17 countries including 16 years of academic study to devote her life as a humanitarian with this hidden advanced Australian solution.
Earth Heart, Singapore
The current health situation has brought forth research on new products and old repurposed drugs as well as a focus on quantum and AI technologies
There is new hope for a revamped healthcare system after the present one has shown the weaknesses. To include Energy Medicine in the prevention , treatment and recovery of pathologic conditions
A small selection of new technologies will be presented .
How do we integrate these products into Lifestyle Medicine model of everyday use and change habits from a fundamental back to basics use to a high optimal functioning health model , even without access to Nature .
We need a new truly holistic approach to the human gut microbiome to the ecosystem of the planet, conscious nutrition, and the magic of meditation and movement, with profound connection with our own timeless Soul and the Divine for Healing for Humanity.
Dame Reverend Doctor (PhD ) Wai-Ching Lee is a medical intuitive healer from a traditional lineage of natural physicians. She is also a U.S. qualified Holistic Health Counselor and Holistic Somatic Bodywork Therapist with over 20 years of adult experience in the field of natural and holistic healing. As principal of EarthStar/EarthHeART Holistic Consultancies, she has been collaborating with medical doctors and scientists in the field of Integrative Medicine since 1992 . Wai- Ching is a modern mystic, healer and teacher of the traditional art of Infinity Quantum Qi Gong and Healing birthed by transcendental divine guidance in 1990. She fuses ancient wisdom with psychosomatic and quantum field healing techniques in Sacred Science. Her interweaving culminates as Associate Producer of the documentary series “Quantum Qi “ with Sharron Rose of Sacred Mysteries. She was invested the title of Dame Reverend Doctor ( PhD) for her lifelong work in quantum energy healing and research by the Sacred Medical Order of the Hospitallers of the Knights of Hope.
Dr. Batras Clinic, United Arab Emirates
Introduction: Depression and Anxiety are the most common psychiatric conditions, in which homeopathy is now chosen as the widely used complementary system of medicines by patients worldwide. Aim is to share the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of homeopathy in the treatment of depression and anxiety.
Depression is the third most common burden of disease worldwide and is expected to become the leading burden of disease by 2030.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence primarily re-commends non-medical interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy in sub-threshold, mild and moderate depression as the first line treatment. If these interventions are ineffective or the depression is severe, antidepressant drugs are recommended. These treatment options help some but not all patients, there is concern about the overuse of psychotropic drugs, and insufficient alternatives.
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America report that anxiety is the most prevalent mental health condition in the United States, affecting 18.1% of the adult population each year.
While many people experience relief from therapy, others find that therapy alone is not enough. Anti-anxiety medications may work for some people but can also trigger unpleasant side effects.
Some patient’s seek alternative treatment options, and depression, anxiety other mental health problems are among the most common reasons why patients seek homeopathy. Homeopathy is controversial in some quarters, but despite this there is widespread use all across in both conditions.
Dr Shaheena Kadri has been eminently practicing Homeopathy since the last 18 years and almost a decade in Middle East. She has won the Best Thesis Award during her Post Graduation in Homeopathy from the Hahnemann college of Homeopathy – UK. To enhance her magnitude of healing she has completed her Post graduation in Psychological counselling. This influenced her further to upgrade her qualification in human psychology and she has qualified as an Internationally Acclaimed Life Coach. She is an International member of Certified Coach Alliance. To bring honor to her family of physicians, she has recently won an Award as Star of Homeopathy by Dr Hahnemann College of Homeopathy –London for the promotion and propagation of the Art and Science of Homeopathy. She has been participating in International conferences held in traditional medicines and health sciences all across the world. She is recognized for her services in Dubai and has been currently been practicing as DHA Certified Doctor in Dubai at Dr Batra’s Homeopathic clinic as a Medical Director and a chief homeopathic consultant. Her passion to touch lives and healing people has made her well known as an International Motivational speaker and she does participate in conferences and charitable activities too.
Truing Holistic, United States
Vedic Meditation is a technique of meditation that teaches the practitioner through daily practice, the true source of Creative Intelligence and connects them with the ability to
restore innate healing power. The technique of mediation is a transcending technique. What this means is that the practice gives the practitioner a systematic method to experience transcending the material world in consciousness and accessing that inner silence, which is the portal to unification to our highest Self, as well as, the foundation for inner health, healing and happiness.
As a teacher of this technique and practitioner of holistic medicine, I have seen that sometimes the greatest barrier to healing is the consciousness of the experiencer. When
someone is so identified with a traumatic experience or a specific identity, it becomes limiting and can slow down the evolutionary process of that individual consciousness.
With a simple daily practice, dipping into a liminal state of consciousness, the nervous system can reset and the body begins the work of releasing the backlog of stress memory
in the physiology.
Su-Jung Lee is an artist, acupuncturist/herbalist and Vedic Meditation Teacher. She holds a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Health and Science, and a dual Master of Fine Arts from the School of Museum of Fine Art, Boston & Tufts University. She completed her initiator training in Vedic Meditation with Thom Knoles, Maharishi Vyasananda Saraswati, in Rishikesh, India and was inducted into the Shankaracharya Tradition of Vedic teachers by Shri Shri 1008 Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Kailashanand Giri.
The Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Iran
Plants and their constituents have a long history of use in certain systems of traditional medicine for the maintenance of health and are the sources of important drugs such as codeine, morphine, and vincristine, so all these depend on parts of plants, method of extraction, distillation, and the components. The selection of plants is based on its natural distribution, where it is cultivated, harvesting and storage. This presentation introduces some of the Iranian aromatic herbs, different methods of extraction and distillation, e.g., Thymus volgaria, Mantha longifolia, and Ferula persica, which are powerful anti-bacterial and antispasmodic. Chemical composition of essential oils collected from various ecological zoons of Iran, such as Thymus vulgaris. The results indicated that the Thymus oil is composed of many chemical compounds, including α pinene, thymol, and caryophyllene, which are biologically active and also used in various diseases.
The chemical composition of the essential oil from peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The main constituents were menthol (40.01%) and menthone (20.4%). The phenolic monoterpenes in thyme, thymol and carvacrol, are the primary compounds which contribute to the characteristic aroma of its essential oil. The major components were p-cymene (8.01%), γ-terpinene (32.10%) and thymol (45.51%). Ferula persica, is the well-known species of the genus Ferula in Iran and has two varieties: persica and latisecta. They have both been extensively used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments. A great number of chemical compounds including sesquiterpene coumarins and polysulfides have been isolated from this plant.
Mohammadbagher Rezaee obtained his Ph.D. in Phyto-chemistry from India (NS. Institute). He has experience of more than 28 years in teaching, research and the herbal industry. He is currently a Professor of Phyto-chemistry, Research Associate, and Co-Investigator of the university and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on herbs. He also worked full time as a scientist in the M.P. department of the Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR)-Tehran-IRAN. He was awarded 3 national awards. As an example, the "Razi research festival on medicinal sciences" award for excellent work in the "Medicinal plants as natural products and their biological uses" field. He has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of some national and international journals, including herbs and their essential oils. He has published 8 books in the Persian language and two chapters in English abroad, nearly 200 papers in reputed journals, and supervised 25 Ph.D. and more than 60 in MSc., Now he is on duty at the Union of Medicinal Plants of Iran (Chairman, UMPI) and the Iranian Medicinal Plants Society (Board member, IMPS).
Wellspring Cinic , Vancouver, Canada
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic retinal degenerative disease, which lead to progressive loss of vision. There are no effective treatments available while Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has provided treatment since 1960. Dr.Weidong Yu of wellspring clinic has treated RP since 1999 based on his research in TCM of more than 40 years.
Dr.Yu of wellspring clinic has treated more than 800 cases of various subtype of RP cases from 46 counties in past 22 years, with very positive clinical outcome. In this presentation Dr.Yu will present clinical journey of RP patients under TCM management. The journey include preclinical, clinical treatment, post clinical management. He hope the presentation will inspire more medical professionals to take proactive services for RP patients worldwide.
Dr. Weidong Yu has treated retinitis pigmentosa with TCM in past 22 years. His wellspring clinic is the leading treatment center for RP patients worldwide.Dr.Yu graduated as bachelor of medicine from Shandong university of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983,As Master of public health from Free university of Brussels in 1991. He has worked as research assistant at China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Resident Physician at Affiliated hospital of Binzhou medical college. Dr.Yu practiced Chinese medicine in California .United States, and Wellspring clinic in Vancouver, Canada (1997-now)
+91 9491 456 452
Door No.200, Immidhihalli Main Road, Whitefield-560066, Bangalore, India
Global Scientific Guild organizes conferences and webinars to promote quality research and real world impact in an atmosphere of true international co-operation between scientists, doctors, professors, practitioners, engineers and industry by bringing together the world class renowned personalities to discuss the latest developments and innovations at one common platform.