Dr Yuvaraja Visagathilagar, PhD (Australia), BEng(1stc Hons., Australia), FIEAust, SMIEEE,
MEDS, MSPIE, MAOS, MANZOS, MAIP, MBCS has over 27+ years of extensive expertise and
experience in academia, research, and industry. He graduated with Bachelor of Engineering in
Communication Engineering and Doctorate in Engineering (with a highly prestigious scholarship from the
Australian Government) in 1996 and 2003 respectively from RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. His
dissertation was in “Narrow-band Optical Modulator on Lithium Niobate” for telecommunication
applications, but it can be applied for other transceivers applications.
In research and industry, he has contributed to over 40+ peer-reviewed international journals and conference
pubications. He has visited and presented at universities in USA (i.e. UCLA and UCSD), Peregrine
Semiconductor Corporation and in Japan (i.e. Science and technology Organisation).He has collaborated
with Defence Science Technology Organisation (now DSTG) in Australia where he has contributed in the
design, fabrication, packaging and testing of “High-Speed Lithium Niobate Optical Modulator” including
documentation of processes for quality certification (ISO 9001) and flip-chip packaging of narrow-band
optical modulators on Lithium Niobate and Ceramic materials.
He has extensive academic teaching as a lecturer and post-doctorate research fellow in Photonics, FibreOptics & System, RF System, and Integration where he was involved in research of novel design of narrowband optical modulators. In early years, his research was in Narrow-band Lithium Niobate Modulators but
also in finding a solution for packaging of optoelectronic devices (i.e. ceramic and Silicon materials).
During the collaboration, he worked with sub-contractors in system integration and packaging of the
modulator devices in hermetically sealed packages for defence applications.
In 2006, he joined “Future Fibre Technologies Ltd” who are the global leading organisation in optical
sensing technologies and has extensive experience over 9 years in optical sensing. He was a senior manager
and held positions as Senior Fibre Systems Engineer, R&D Team Leader and Applications Engineering
Manager where he contributed in the company products enhancements and novel products design. He has
contributed to 2 patent solutions for novel systems in optical fibre sensing and contributed to over 110+
reports with fellow colleagues and R&D teams (not published due to commercial-in-confidence).
From July 2016 to March 2018, he was a Senior Academic at RMIT University for postgraduate and
undergraduate courses in Electrical Engineering Analysis using Matlab, Electronic Engineering, Radar
technologies, Communication systems, Optical/Photonic Engineering, Microwave Circuits & System and
Advanced Mathematics for various program levels (or years). He contributed to the development teaching
materials of a core course in Optical Fibre Systems and Networks for Bachelor and Master’s Program
including supervising for over 10+ projects in undergraduate and postgraduate students with a minor thesis.
Since April 2018 to June 2020, he is a Senior Academic with the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Technology & Engineering, Applied Engineering College (AEC), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which
is affiliated with Lincoln College International and University of Hull, UK with accreditation of Colleges
of Excellence by the Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where he is undertaking teaching in
Electrical and Electronics technologies & principles for various Bachelor level program. He has been a
senior supervisor for over 30+ projects and a minor thesis.
In July 2020, he is a researcher undertaking photonics research into reservoir computing and senior
academic in lecturing a topic in Optical Fibre Communication Systems, Digital Electronics projects using
Altium to design & built a Digital Oscilloscope and Microwave/RF Systems with ©Cadence and Electronic
Engineering at the University of Melbourne (Australia) and in January 2021, he joined RMIT University
as a researcher and senior academic undertaking research in optical fibre systems and transmission with
high-level multi-disciplinary engineering team.
Since January 2022, he joined QinetiQ Australia as a Principal Engineer (Senior RF/EMI/EMC Systems
Engineer) as a Design and Advisory role providing his expertise & experience in defence and government
projects with key interest in Microwave/RF/Radar Communication Engineering, coherent detection optical
sensing for pipelines, undersea exploration, seismic detection and temperature sensing, high-speed and
narrow-band optical modulators.
Early 2023, he was awarded Fellow of Institute of Engineers Australia (FIEAust), the highest recognition
and award for his many long years of professional engineering work spanning 27+ years to Australian and
global community with extensive experience and expertise in his key area of work as a Communication &
Electronics Engineer in academia, industry including research and social activities where he was been a
mentor to interns, graduates but he is a Chairperson on various Engineering societies, chapters and editorial
boards. This recognition is only awarded to individuals by Invitation Only for their outstanding professional
engineering work with key engineering contribution. He received other recognitions amd accreditation &
certified with the Engineers Australia (EA) Chartered Professional Engineering (CPEng) and in the
National Engineers Register (NER), APEC Engineer, IEA & IntPE(Aus)/ At present he is providing
teaching to High School students and supporting undergraduate & postgraduate engineering students with
his own educational business (Educational Luminance, www.EducationalLuminance.com)
He has a distinguished professional engineering career, he is an active Senior Member of the IEEE for over
28+ years’ service where he is the Chair of the Victorian IEEE Electron Devices & Photonics Society Joint
Chapter and representative in the Section Committee, Australia from 2017 He is a active member of IEEE
where he is a key volunteer for the Senior Member Elevation reference in Victoria, Australia (or globally),
Member of OSA, SPIE, AP-MTT, AIP, AOS, BCS and certified in PRINCE2® & system engineering. He
is in various editorial boards for peer-reviewed international journals and key reviewer for many
international scientific journals and conferences. He has presented at various international and local
conferences as Plenary, Keynote, Invited and has been asked to provide a welcome talk at conference.
Other interests include and on-going, provides professional engineering consultancy to organisations
locally and globally but passionate about teaching high school students from year 7 – VCE & other states
in all Mathematic, Physics, System Engineering and Technology.